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Where Do Thieves Break Into Homes?burglar alarm systems

Where do you think the three most common places for thieves to break into your home are? We came across some UK government statistics that indicate exactly where thieves try to gain entry to your home. You may be surprised at what they found;

  1. 34% of thieves break into homes through the front door.
  2. 24% of thieves break into homes through a ground floor window.
  3. 22% of thieves break into a home through the back door.

Now of course if your windows and doors are locked securely it will make it hard for a potential thief to gain access into your home. However, there are other things you can do to avoid the risk of thieves gaining access to your home.

For example, outdoor lighting & external motion detection could help. If your home is well lit there is no cover or darkness for thieves to work under. A door hidden behind trees or a fence, in the dark can be really tempting for a thief as they can break into your home without being spotted by people passing by.

A burglar alarm installed on the side of your home can is a great security solution. It can be seen from a distance which will work as a deterrent for potential thieves. The burglar alarm will also be triggered when a thief tries to force access into your home. The alarm will alert you, your neighbours, and even the emergency services. This is likely to make the thief leave your property quickly without stealing your belongings.

CCTV cameras over your front door, back door, or directed across access to your property are great. Just like a burglar alarm, they will act as a deterrent for potential house thieves. If your home is broken into it will also give you, the police, and your insurance company the evidence they need to catch and arrest the house thief.

If you would like help protecting your home from thieves, call our office today for a free no obligation quote & survey. We can come to your home and recommend the best home security products for your home, possessions, location & budget.